
Just a song

I won't tell lies.
I'm not virgin,
I'm not "Santa Claus".
I haven't anything at all
but I have all I need.

Finally I have discovered
who I am.
I have learnt
who I was.
I don't want to guess
who I will be.

Now I'm free.
I live my life
letting the others live theirs.
And I have learnt
to say no.
I'm not supposed to do
what everyone is expecting for.

I want to be able
to choose my tampax mark.
I want to laugh everyday.
I want to meet myself
under my clothes everynight.

I just want to be singing
all my life.
So, play your guitar
and tell me no lies.

*Later note: I'm here to stay


Vaig escriure aquesta "cançó" fa molt temps (és de les poques coses que he escrit en anglès). Revisant els meus papers (que jo sóc de paper i pilot primer i ordinador per acabar), m'ha semblat bona idea que estreni el meu blog.

És senzilla (el meu anglès també) però resumeix el que jo volia expressar. Espero que algú s'animi a posar-hi música...

1 comentario:

  1. "I want to be able
    to choose my tampax mark"
    Great sentence, really!!!

    Congratulations, meie!!

